WRK - I'm a little snowman

WRK - I'm a little snowman


WRK - The Gruffalo song

WRK - The Gruffalo song


WRK - Carneval

WRK - Carneval


Let´s hop

Let´s hop

Let´s hop  



Seasons song   Here we go, oh, oh Seasons of the year Here comes the spring with the rain pouring down Here comes the spring with the flowers in the ground Here comes the spring with the rainbow…

Autumn outside - WRK

Autumn outside - WRK

Leave dance with parachute by 1.A

píseň Stromy

píseň Stromy

Stromy Na stejné zemi co my bydlí tu s námi stromy, mlčí a hledí si svého listíčka zeleného. Na stejné zemi co my bydlí tu s námi stromy, mlčí a hledí si svého listíčka zeleného. Topoly, topoly,…

WRK - Rainbow song

WRK - Rainbow song

I can sing a rainbow Red and yellow and pink and green,Purple and orange and blue.I can sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow too! Listen with your eyes,Listen with your ears,And sing…

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